Friday, March 25, 2011

Get a phone

There's no reason to be without a cell phone.

You may be like me and resisted until the very list minute, but when my car broke down near an unsavory neighborhood one day, I noticed the disappearance of pay phones! Uh oh.

So I broke down and got a phone "for emergencies." But the bills were outrageous and the two-year contract was of no benefit to me whatsoever, though there was a substantial penalty for breaking it. Kind of one-sided, wouldn't you say? Everything was stacked in favor of the phone company!

So, when the two years were about up a few months ago, I started searching around for an alternative. Something without a contract. Something that didn't obligate me. Something I could just keep around "just in case."

Best bet: TracFone's Senior Value Cell Phone (SVC).

Te phone itself is very basic. That's good! Nothing fancy, expensive or "hi-tech" (Thank Goodness!)

Also, very inexpensive. $19.99. Can't beat that!

And no contract! You buy airtime cars and that's that. Run out? Buy more.

Very easy. Very simple. Very inexpensive, too.

There's no need to be without a phone with SVC!